Show Ring

Congratulations to these families on their successes in the show ring with cattle from Copeland & Sons LLC! This is an important part of our operation, and we enjoy traveling across the country with the cattle to see our friends and customers.

JCS 88X 5847 ET

NJW 98S Ribeye 88X x CSF BR Goldreil 7902 ET

Res. Division Champion
2016 Ft. Worth Stock Show & Rodeo

SHOWN BY Copeland & Sons LLC, NM and Carlson Cattle, IN

JCS 0144 Dominette 4659

H5 Yankee 0144 x JCS Miss Showtime 0286

Division Champion
2016 National Western Stock Show

SHOWN BY Chesney Effling, South Dakota

JCS BH Karly 4662

Langfords 2205 ET x JCS Precious 0285

Division Champion
2016 National Western Livestock Show

SHOWN BY Jessica Middleswarth, Wyoming

JCS Lady Icon 4633

JCS Icon 7060 x JCS Foxy Lady 9147 ET

Res. Grand Champion Hereford Female
2015 Dixie National

SHOWN BY Michael Banner, Tennessee

JCS Lady Icon 4633

JCS Icon 7060 x JCS Foxy Lady 9147 ET

Res. Grand Champion Hereford Female & 5TH OVERALL 

SHOWN BY Michael Banner, Tennessee

JCS BH Karley 4662

Langfords 2205 ET x JCS Precious 0285

Division Champion Open Show
2015 Ft. Worth Stock Show & Rodeo

SHOWN BY Jessica Middleswarth, Wyoming

Premier Hereford Breeder

2015 National Western Stock Show

Copeland & Sons LLC, Nara Visa, NM

JCS Miss Tater Tot 3560

JCS Cool Kat 6928 x JCS Miss 510 Excella 9201

Grand Champion Horned Hereford Female
2015 National Western Stock Show

SHOWN BY McKay Cattle Co., Oklahoma and Fawcett’s Elm Creek Ranch, South Dakota

JCS BH Karley 4662

Langfords 2205 ET x JCS Precious 0285

Res. Division Champion, Jr. Show


SHOWN BY the Middleswarth Family, Wyoming

JCS 0144 Dominette 4659

H5 Yankee 0144 x JCS Miss Showtime 0286

Res. Division Champion, Open Show


SHOWN BY the Effling Family, South Dakota

JCS Homebrew 4616 ET

NJW 73S W18 Hometown 10Y ET x JCS Miss Kitty 9200

Champion Division
2015 National Western Stock Show

SHOWN BY Copeland & Sons LLC, New Mexico and Lamle Herefords, Oklahoma

JCS Miss Tater Tot 3560

JCS Cool Kat 6928 x JCS Miss 510 Excella 9201

Champion Intermediate Female
2014 American Royal

SHOWN BY McKay Cattle Co., Oklahoma and Fawcett’s Elm Creek Ranch, South Dakota

JCS Miss Tater Tot 3560

JCS Cool Kat 6928 x JCS Miss 510 Excella 9201

Champion Hereford Female
2014 South Dakota State Fair

SHOWN BY McKay Cattle Co., Oklahoma and Fawcett’s Elm Creek Ranch, South Dakota

JCS Miss 88X 3481 ET

NJW 98S R117 Ribeye 88X ET x JCS Nancy 0231

Grand Champion Hereford Female
2014 Appalachian State Fair

SHOWN BY Michael Banner, Tennessee

JCS Miss 88X 3481 ET

NJW 98S R117 Ribeye 88X ET x JCS Nancy 0231

Grand Champion Hereford Female
2014 Tennessee Hereford Association State Show

SHOWN BY Michael Banner, Tennessee

JCS Miss 88X 3481 ET

NJW 98S R117 Ribeye 88X ET x JCS Nancy 0231

Champion Hereford Female & 5th Overall
2014 Tennessee Jr. Livestock Expo
Champion Hereford Female
2014 Central Tennessee Regional Show

SHOWN BY Michael Banner, Tennessee

JCS Miss 88X 3481 ET

NJW 98S R117 Ribeye 88X ET x JCS Nancy 0231

Champion Hereford Heifer 
2014 Dixie National

SHOWN BY Michael Banner, Tennessee

JCS Durango 2396 ET

THM Durango 4037 x MAT Miss Royalty 4743

Reserve Hereford Bull
2014 Dixie National

SHOWN BY McGuffee Family, Mississippi

JCS KS Robin 3490

UPS Domino 5216 x JCS Nancy 0231

Reserve Division
2014 Ft. Worth Stock Show

SHOWN BY GKB Cattle, Texas

JCS 310 Dominette 2458

JCS 4743 Ram 0310 x JCS Miss Royalty 4720

Champion  Division 
2014 Fort Worth Stock Show

SHOWN BY Kaitlin Nicolas, Colorado and GKB Cattle, Texas

JCS Miss 88X 3481 ET

NJW 98S R117 Ribeye 88X ET x JCS Nancy 0231

Class Winner 
2014 National Western Stock Show

SHOWN BY Michael Banner, Tennessee

JCS 310 Dominette 2458

JCS 4743 Ram 0310 x JCS Miss Royalty 4720

Champion  Division 
2014 National Western Stock Show

SHOWN BY Kaitlin Nicolas, Colorado and GKB Cattle, Texas

JCS Miss 88X 3481 ET

NJW 98S R117 Ribeye 88X ET x JCS Nancy 0231

Reserve Champion Hereford Heifer
2013 Kansas Beef Expo Ring A&B

SHOWN BY Michael Banner, Tennessee

JCS Currency 3474 ET

BR Currency 8144 ET x JCS 184 Dominette 483

Reserve Division
2013 North American Int’l Livestock Expo

SHOWN BY Copeland & Sons LLC, New Mexico
and B&H Herefords, New Mexico

JCS 310 Dominette 2458

JCS 4743 Ram 0310 x JCS Miss Royalty 4720

Champion Division
2013 Junior National Hereford Expo

SHOWN BY Kaitlin Nicolas, Colorado

JCS Miss Kitty 2386 ET

JCS Cool Kat 6928 x OHR Scarlett 68N 90S

Reserve Hereford Heifer
2013 Oklahoma Youth Expo

SHOWN BY Victoria Chapman, Oklahoma

JCS 310 Dominette 2397

JCS 4743 Ram 0310 x JCS 303 Dominet 6937

Class Winner 
2013 Fort Worth Stock Show
Reserve Division
2013 San Angelo Stock Show,
Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo, Star of Texas Show

SHOWN BY the Crisp Family, Texas


Class Winner
2012 Junior National Hereford Expo

SHOWN BY Cash Langford, Oklahoma


Champion Hereford Steer (Ring A) 
2011 Kansas Beef Expo
Reserve Hereford Steer (Ring B)
2011 Kansas Beef Expo

SHOWN BY Cash Langford, Oklahoma

JCS Nancy 0231

Churchill Ram 708T x JCS 146 Chelsea 8093 ET

Reserve Division
2012 National Western Stock Show

SHOWN BY Copeland & Sons LLC, New Mexico

JCS Precious 0285

JCS Cool Kat 6928 x JCS Miss Royalty 4720

Reserve Division
2011 North American Int’l Livestock Expo
Class Winner
2011 National Western Stock Show

SHOWN BY Bret Hanza, Oklahoma

JCS Icon 1347

JCS Icon 7060 x JOHR Scarlett 68N 90S

Division Champion
2011 North American Int’l Livestock Expo
Class Winner
2012 Fort Worth Stock Show

SHOWN BY Copeland & Sons LLC, New Mexico

JCS Nancy 0231

Churchill Ram 708T x JCS 146 Chelsea 8093 ET

3rd Place
2011 Junior National Hereford Expo

SHOWN BY Bret Hanza, Oklahoma

JCS Precious 0285

JCS Cool Kat 6928 x JCS Miss Royalty 4720

Class Winner
2011 Junior National Hereford Expo

SHOWN BY Bret Hanza, Oklahoma

JCS Miss Scarlet 0240 ET

JCS Cool Kat 6928 x OHR Scarlett 68N 90S

Class Winner
2011 Junior National Hereford Expo

SHOWN BY Shelby Zink, Indiana

Copeland Steer

1106 Son x Showtime Granddaughter

2nd Place
2011 Junior National Hereford Expo

SHOWN BY Cash Langford, Oklahoma

JCS Cool Kat 0268

JCS Cool Kat 6928 x JCS 184 Dominette 483

Champion Division
2010 American Royal

SHOWN BY Copeland & Sons LLC, New Mexico

JCS Miss Scarlet 0240 ET

JCS Cool Kat 6928 x OHR Scarlett 68N 90S

Reserve Division
2010 American Royal

SHOWN BY Copeland & Sons LLC, New Mexico

MAT Miss Showtime 7026

JCS Showtime x MAT 303 Maiden 620

Reserve Division
2009 National Western Stock Show
Champion Hereford
2008 Tri-State Fair
Champion Hereford
2008 New Mexico State Fair

SHOWN BY Copeland & Sons LLC, New Mexico & Zink Herefords, Indiana

JCS Reba 9146 ET

BR Moler ET x JCS Miss Royalty 5786

Champion Division
2009 American Royal
Class Winner
2010 National Western Stock Show
Champion Overall
2010 New Mexico State Fair

SHOWN BY Copeland & Sons LLC, New Mexico & Zink Herefords, Indiana

JCS Miss Kitty 8088

JCS Cool Kat 6928 x JCS Miss Royalty 4751

Class Winner
2009 Junior National Hereford Expo
Class Winner
2010 National Western Stock Show

SHOWN BY Shelby Zink, Indiana

JCS Cool Kat 6928

CJH L1 Domino 1106 x JCS Miss Royalty 3676

Division Champion
2008 National Western Stock Show

SHOWN BY Copeland & Sons LLC, New Mexico

JCS Icon 7060

F 552 Domino 582 x JCS Miss Royalty 4720

Class Winner
2008 National Western Stock Show

SHOWN BY Copeland & Sons LLC, New Mexico

JCS Miss Royalty 5786

Churchill Royal 112 x JCS 184 Dominette 483

Reserve Division
2007 Ft. Worth Stock Show
Champion Hereford
2006 Arizona National
Champion Hereford
2006 New Mexico Beef Expo
Champion Hereford
2005 AGR Winter Bonanza

SHOWN BY Copeland & Sons LLC, New Mexico

JCS Cool Kat 6928

CJH L1 Domino 1106 x JCS Miss Royalty 3676

Reserve Division
2007 National Western Stock Show

SHOWN BY Copeland & Sons LLC, New Mexico

MAT Miss Showtime 6902

JCS Showtime x MAT 303 Maiden 620

Reserve Division
2007 Junior National Hereford Expo
Reserve Grand
2007 New Mexico State Fair
Champion Hereford
2007 Oklahoma Beef Expo

SHOWN BY Roxanne Gebhardt, Oklahoma

MAT Miss Royalty 4743

Churchill Royal 112 x JCS 6227 Markette 467

Reserve Grand Champion Horned Female
2005 Junior National Hereford Expo
Champion Hereford
2005 Arizona National
Champion Hereford
2005 Illinois Beef Expo

SHOWN BY Matt Copeland, New Mexico